Dear Sweet Baby Kay,
I apologize for the delay this week! I was waiting on some test results before I updated, and I just got them in the mail today! We have a little celebrating to do. We have made it to 28 weeks, the third and final trimester! Only 12 more weeks until your beautiful long awaited due date arrives! By this week, you weigh two and a quarter pounds, like a Chinese cabbage and measure 14.8 inches from the top of your head to your heels. You can blink your eyes, which now sport lashes. I did a eye color predictor test online that factors in your parents eye colors, as well as the eye colors of your Grandparents and blood related Aunts and Uncles. This fun little test said you will 100% have green eyes like me - we shall see (no pun intended). You will most likely be born with blue, like a lot of babies are, and they will slowly change over time. For a long time my eyes would change color depending on what I wore, which was pretty neat. Your Dad has All American baby blue eyes which you can't ever go wrong with! If you have my eye color or your Dad's we know they will be light and beautiful! With your eyesight developing, you may be able to see the light that filters in through my womb. You are also developing billions of neurons in your brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world. Here is a picture that shows us a good idea of what you look like now.
I had my 28 week appointment with the doctor. The big deal with this appointment is the pregnancy glucose screening test. I fasted before my test and went to the doctor at 7:30am and had to drink a super sugary drink and then wait an hour.
My blood was drawn at the end of the the hour to see how fast my pancreas processed the sugar. If my pancreas did not process the sugar fast enough, it put me at risk for gestational diabetes, which would mean I would need to take a three hour glucose test to rule out gestational diabetes. I got the results in the mail today. I looked up the normal range they are looking for which is around 130-140. My level came back at 95! This means my pancreas processes sugar super fast which is excellent! Bionic pancreas, I will take it!
While I was waiting on my hour to pass, I met with one of the doctors in the practice who went over my vitals. My blood pressure was great (102/76) and I have gained three pounds this month which puts me about 5 pounds above my pre-pregnancy weight which is great. You measured 28 weeks, which was a few days larger than the actual time frame (27 weeks, 4 days is where you were at this appointment) which means you are growing nicely! The doctor said your heart beat was great and very strong. Nothing to worry about! I will now be on a two week schedule of doctor visits because we are getting so close to your due date!
Here is a picture comparison of how you have grown. This first picture is at 17 weeks, and the second is 10 weeks later at 27 weeks. It is just amazing to me. Day to day I don't notice the growth, but over time you can really see how you have "popped"!
We are so grateful to have made it to the third trimester with you. What a blessing to be here in the home stretch knowing how healthy you are.
With all my love,
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